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Winter of DissContent

Winter of DissContent


The Winter Solstice beckons. Like all those shovel-ready jobs in the Build Back Better, the leaves have disappeared. Making plenty of room for holiday displays of commies in their pink jammies twisting in the icy north wind toward their utopia. Kidding!

Now is the time for giving. I hear Liberty Seeds are nice. Some of the fastest delivery times available. 

Anyhow. We are thankful for those intrepid dissident consumers who have parted with their hard-earned money AND the risk of that awkward social posturing that accompanies explaining what that shirt means to the sheeple.

Luckily, the wool is thick over their dooughy eyes and so the dissident badthink goes largely unnoticed.

But like mint jelly in their stockings, they will eventually notice how certain things pair well. Democracy and tyranny. Or marxism and starvation. Or equality and mass graves. Progress!

Too dark? No, winter is a time for reflection. Introspection. Russian tanks. Reading by whale oil.

And so, in this winter we are content with our dissident status. Our DissContent, like snow hanging on the split-rail; an impermanent phase of something larger at work.

Soon we will be waxing on about crocuses coming up. Until then, put in your reps. Love on your loved ones. And go chop some wood for the foundry. 


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